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5 Tips to increase productivity & collaboration in the workspace

To ensure success and growth, it is important for company owners to ensure that their employees are working efficiently. There are many strategies that can be followed to enhance the productivity of your staff such as;

Encourage Collaboration

Collaborations are important to bring transparency and give all employees a chance to learn from each other. Whether you are encouraging the employees from different departments within the company to collaborate or partnering up with other organizations, collaborations are a great way to build your team capacities’ and engage with others in the field.

Collaboration Tools and Technologies

In today’s digital landscape, reliance on technology is useful to enhance productivity. There are multiple management tools available to enlist and assign tasks and keep a record of all the engagements. These tools are helpful to analyze the operations and streamline the process.

Clear Expectations and Goals

If you want your employees to work exceptionally, make sure to set clear goals. Having ambiguity in targets or even job descriptions can sway your employees to go off the track. Set monthly or quarterly goals and follow a culture of sharing project updates so that the performance of each employee is observed and the path of growth is followed.

Plan a retreat

No team can work round the clock. Everyone deserves a break once in a while and this break doesn’t mean the weekend break. Taking the staff to dinner or planning a retreat once in a while is necessary to lighten up the work stress and mingle with each other. Hire a picnic, go to a resort, take pictures, do bbq, enjoy great food and you will notice the change in your staff behavior.

Celebrate Achievements and Successes

It is good to keep a tradition of celebrating the success and achievements of the company with your employees. It promotes a sense of ownership amongst the employees. Moreover, it motivates the employees to keep working hard to achieve more targets. The more you involve your team in the success points, the more dedication they will show.

Keep office comfortable

If you want your employees to perform well, facilitate them. Even if you are a small business, make sure to get an office that offers convenience for the staff. Make sure it has a functional kitchen, conference rooms, high-speed internet and everything that your employees need to stay working for 8-9 duty hours. Moreover, you should also consider the easy access of all your employees. Don’t get an office in the far-flung areas which makes it hard for the staff to reach every day on time.

If you are looking for a well-established office sharing in the heart of the city, reach out to us at BAS Businesses Center. We have a range of offices available on co-sharing at different locations in Dubai.